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Trade CFD ETFs - Exchange Traded Funds – to gain exposure to a wide range of stock markets, sectors, commodities, bonds and currencies. Buy the ones you like, short the ones you don’t.

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What is an ETF?

ETF is short for: Exchange Traded Fund.

ETFs opportunities

ETFs combine the features of funds and equities into one instrument. Like other investment funds, they group together various assets, such as stocks or commodities. This helps the ETF track the value of its underlying market as closely as possible. For instance There are ETFs that track the FTSE 100, containing constituents of that index proportional to the FTSE’s price. Other exchange traded funds may group together companies working in certain sectors, like Lithium producers, or follow an asset like Gold.

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Why Trade ETFs CFDs

  • Broad market exposure from a single position
  • Go long or short with a leveraged account

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Types of ETF

Here are some of the most commonly occurring Exchange Traded Funds available for investors.


Bond ETFs

These include government bonds, corporate bonds, and US municipal bonds, covering state and local bonds fc


Currency ETFs

Used by forex investors to invest in a variety of currencies such as USD, EUR, or GBP


Commodity ETFs

These group together different commodities, with popular funds including oil ETFs, gold, and other metals


Industry ETFs

Group together stocks in a specific industry, they may take a wider view of their industry, representing companies working across all sectors, like tech manufacturers, component suppliers, technology retailers etc


Inverse ETFs

An inverse Exchange Traded Fund attempts to earn gains from stock declines by shorting stocks, commodities, bonds or other financial assets

Ways to Trade ETFs CFDs

A CFD account will allow you to trade online while accessing a variety of ETFs. Go long or short depending on your view of the market.

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How to trade ETFs with CFDs


With 4xvc.com you can trade ETF CFDs. Simply log in to your 4xvc.com account and locate the ETFs tab.

Can I buy ETFs on margin with 4xvc.com?


Yes, you can trade ETFs on margin with 4xvc.com using CFDs. ETFs, like stocks, can be traded on margin in the same way.

Why trade ETF CFDs with 4xvc.com?


4xvc.com provides traders with easy-to-use trading applications and functionalities to assist them in their trading and strategies. When trading ETFs with CFDs, you do not own the underlying asset itself. As such, you only speculate on the rise or fall of its price. Common trading strategies apply. A CFD investor can go short or long, set stop and limit orders, and apply trading scenarios that align with his or her objectives.

What is an ETF?


An ETF, or exchange-traded fund, is a type of investment fund that is traded on a stock exchange. ETFs are designed to track the performance of a specific index, commodity, or basket of assets, and they provide investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets. ETFs are similar to indices but offer more flexibility as they can be traded throughout the day.