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Queries and Complaints

Central to our corporate culture is Treating Customers Fairly (“TCF”). Finalto (BVI) Limited strives, through our trading platform global.4xvc.com provide you with the highest level of customer service and to build a strong and long-lasting service relationship with you. We view your comments, suggestions and concerns as matters of utmost importance for our business. We endeavor to address your feedback fully, recognizing that a client's feedback and/or expression of dissatisfaction is an opportunity for us to improve by enhancing our products and level of service.


Usually resolved within 48 hours
If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by 4xvc.com, please contact our Customer Service as soon as possible by email at [email protected], Live Chat or via our Online Queries Form for immediate and prompt assistance. Our representatives are available to assist you through your concerns to reach to a fair conclusion.

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Trading Query

Usually resolved within 48 hours

If you have a trading query relating for example to your trading account and the operation of this on our trading platform 4xvc.com or with respect to our Terms and Conditions, you can submit a trade enquiry by submitting the Online Trading Query Form. Please note that all trading enquiries must be logged with us as quickly as possible after the trading enquiry, need for clarification or issue have occurred.

A dedicated team of professionals is available to research and resolve your trading query the soonest – we are committed to responding the latest within 48 hours of receipt of your Trading Query. Once your trading query has been examined you will receive a full explanation of the circumstances and the outcome.

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Formal Complaint

Open Complaint Form
Process can take up to 2 months to resolve
You are entitled to submit a complaint at any time in your trading experience with us, where you may feel that our service has not met your satisfaction. Where any trading or other query has not been addressed or when you wish to submit a formal complaint at the initial or a subsequent stage, you can do so by completing the Online Complaint Form. Note that all the information included on the Online Complaint Form must be completed in order for our dedicated Quality Control Department to examine your complaint in an informed manner. We may request further information and/or supportive documentation during the review process. We ask for your valued cooperation in the review process of your complaint in order to complete our work and provide you with our feedback and response the soonest possible.

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The process that we envisage will be followed in dealing with your complaint is as follows:

Receipt of your complaint

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 days, providing you with the recorded URN which will be quoted in all communications directed to you from the Company regarding the Complaint, while informing you that the Complaint is being investigated.

Attempt to have your complaint resolved

We will attempt to have your complaint resolved within 2 months from the submission date of your complaint. However, it should be noted that the full completion of our review and response to your complaint shall not exceed 3 months from the submission date.


In the event that we are unable to complete our investigation within 2 months and provide you with a full written response, we shall inform you of the reasons for the delay. Full completion of our review and response to your complaint shall not exceed 3 months from the submission of your complaint.

If upon receipt of our final response on your complaint you are not satisfied or in case no response is received within the 3 months’ timeframe, you can refer your complaint to the BVI Financial Services Commission. For more information please visit http://www.bvifsc.vg

Data Protection or Privacy Queries/ Complaints

If you are having concerns regarding the privacy and safety of your personal data, you are entitled to submit a query or a complaint at any time during your business relationship with us. To submit a query, you may complete the Online Queries Form. In case you wish to file a complaint you may proceed by submitting a formal complaint at any stage of time where concerns regarding your data privacy or data safety arise.

To visit our Online Complaints Form please click here.

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